
The Brass is back
There is now a general movement in interiors away from the high shine perfect gold, to a warmer aesthetic, more timeless metal like brass.
Brass is glamorous without being ostentatious, it is warmer and more relaxing with a sense of inherent quality. Brass is making its way throughout the home, into kitchens, bathrooms, tap ware and fittings, and general accessorising of living spaces.
With this in mind, having permanent elements like brass in a home means it is here to stay for a while. We are really excited to be one of the first homeware companies to fully embrace this movement in our extensive range, called Cariso. Enjoy!
- Carla Romeril
New Videos Page Added
By popular request, all the videos on our site have now been posted to the Videos page. Now you can watch all there is to know about our favourite brands from one place. Saves all that tiresome reading and exhausting clicking. Find the Videos page in the top left navigation bar or on "Quick Links" at the bottom left of the site. Happy viewing.
- Stephen Loughlin
Web re-launch
this is what we're talking about. More PR than the PResident.
- Stephen Loughlin
First Post
Hi Welcome to our Blog. We've just relaunched our website. You can purchase on here. If you're a retailer you can create an account and order directly from us and save. We'll put some info about articles wrtiten abouit us and specials etc on this page. So keep watching.
- Stephen Loughlin